Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pie Fest!

Let's get together and have some pie to celebrate Thanksgiving, cooler weather, and a few days off. (or not, if that's the case!) This is a more casual event that should be lots of fun.

When: Tuesday, November 25th, 6-8 pm
Where: Cafeteria
What: Eat pie, chat, and play games.
Bring: A pie (home-made not required!). If you want to stay for games, bring a board game or game idea.

We are thinking of having regular game nights (once a month or so). Is that something you would be interested in? Please vote in the poll to the right about which day of the week would be best for you.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Pictures

Do you have more fun pictures? Feel free to post them!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trick or Treat, MCW!

Thursday, Oct. 30
3-5 pm
Trick-or-Treat around the school, following the footsteps
Come to the Cafeteria for pictures, donuts, hanging out, games, etc.
We will have a costume contest at 4:00, with winners being announced at 4:15
Bring a can of food to donate to the Hunger Task Force

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Opening Social Pictures

Just for fun, here are some pictures from the opening social back in September.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween Coming Up . . .

The halloween party is one of our biggest events, so we're busy planning and preparing for that. If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to do, it's not too late or too early, so send an email or leave a comment. Here's some basic info so you can mark your calendars:

Thursday, October 30
3:30-5:30 pm
Games, refreshments, etc. in Cafeteria
Trick-or-treating to various offices around the school
Come in costume!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dance Dance Marathon

Have you heard about Dance Dance Marathon?

The purpose of the Dance Dance Marathon is to raise awareness and financial support for the uninsured, and all donations will be given to the Saturday Free Clinic that many MCW students participate in.

  • When: Nov. 1st, noon to midnight (you don't have to be there the whole time)
  • Where: Radisson Hotel on North Ave. and Mayfair Rd.
  • What will happen: Dancing is the main event--teams of about 6 people (formed beforehand) participate in the marathon by having at least one person from the team dancing at a time. There will also be games, Sumo wrestling, and activities to help the uninsured including signing letters to senators and House of Rep to support legislation on the uninsured, informational tables about the uninsured, Obama/McCain Health Policy info, and Medicaid and Badgercare Plus sign-ups. All music and games will be family friendly, and the event is open to the public.
  • How to join: Email mcwmssa at gmail dot com. We would like to form several MSSA teams, and anyone can join. Registration is $15 per dancer, which covers the cost of a t-shirt, water bottle, meals for the day, and snacks. If you would like to dance but cannot afford to pay the $15 registration fee, still let us know and we will work something out. The planners have also set a fund-raising goal of $50 per dancer, which is why . . .


Some other ways you could help: sponsor another member of MSSA, offer to babysit for a couple who wants to dance, just come, etc.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Opening Social This Tursday!!

Hey, if you haven't heard, our opening social is:
  • Thursday, September 11
  • 5:30 pm
  • MCW Cafeteria.
We're having dinner, a raffle with amazing prizes, karaoke if you're interested, and time to just chat and meet new people. Be sure to sign up for intramural sports teams and other fun things we have coming up! Email questions and comments to

See you Thursday!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Walking Group

Hi, Sarah Lythgoe and I have started walking in the mornings and we wanted to invite anyone who is interested to join us. We go on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and we meet at 9:00 am by Wilson School on the corner of Glenview and Portland Ave. We usually walk for about 45 minutes. We'd love to see you there. :)

Actually, since school started they have been walking a little earlier, at 8:30 am. Same place, same days.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Welcome, New People!!

Hi, welcome to MSSA, MCW, Milwaukee, and our fabulous blog. Good luck with the new year, new changes, and if you need help with anything, let us know!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

New Year

Welcome to a new school year and some fresh blog updates! Feel free to post about anything and everything. Blogger allows 100 blog authors, so we'll just keep adding until we're full. If you are a member of MSSA and you'd like to post, email mcwmssa at gmail dot com. I'm working on getting a calendar to show upcoming events and other random widgets for the side, so stay tuned.